QUESTION: The art teacher at my kid’s school is not doing a good job. She has a short tempter, continually complains to the kids about how misbehaved they are, and they don’t finish their art projects before they move on to others. I wonder if administration is aware. Last week, I volunteered to be an […]

QUESTION: I just got home from a LDS mission and I don’t know what is next in my life. There are so many options to consider. I feel like I have to make the perfect choice. I find myself procrastinating all action because I’m not sure about anything. ANSWER: Big life decisions can feel daunting […]

QUESTION: The world is so chaotic right now! Between strikes and shortages, attacks in the Middle East, hurricanes and natural disasters… it feels like the world is falling apart! What in the world is going on? I find myself feeling frazzled about what to do to protect my family. I fear I haven’t done enough […]
Who stole the cookies from the cookie jar? My son! It’s left me in a bind and I am so frustrated and disappointed. Help!

QUESTION: My son found the cookies I put high in the pantry that I agreed to provide for a gathering. He ate seven of them! Now I only have 3/4 of the package to deliver. I’m feel so frustrated and disappointed. ANSWER: This can feel so frustrating when things don’t go as expected. Especially when […]
An event I hosted felt chaotic. I wish I would have done things differently…how can I let this go?

QUESTION: I hosted an event last night and can’t stop replaying it in my mind. So many more people showed up than I expected and it felt chaotic. I wish I would have done some things differently. How can I let this go? ANSWER: Every experience is for our growth and learning. Rather than critique […]
Should I have another baby?

Question: I have been a mom of one for a long time but recently decided I want another child. Unfortunately, I have spent a long time telling myself all the reasons why another kid would be too hard or not supported in my current life. So…now I am feeling discouraged because even if I want […]
Teenage Behavior…HELP!

Question: My teenager frequently rolls her eyes, sighs and makes rude comments like “You can’t make me.” I’m worried about what this means for the future. My past experience with conflict is that it leads to divorce and hard family experiences. I feel scared and angry at her reactions which causes me to want to control her, yet […]
My teenage daughter was feeling very emotional and acting out about her after-school commitments. How do I help?

QUESTION: My teenage daughter was feeling very emotional and acting out about her after-school commitments. Last week, she was emotional about having too much homework to catch up on after missing a week of school. Everything I said she would contradict. She says she wants help to feel better but keeps shutting me down. How […]
Help! I can’t decide what to do! I have to make a quick decision and I feel stuck!

Having a short timeline can add to the stress of making a decision. Notice that your lack of action and resulting panic and indecision is coming from your thought that you don’t know what to do. Find a comfortable seat, take 3 deep breaths and turn your attention inward. Your mind, heart and body are […]
What do I do if I got coached or self-coached and am still feeling resistance to the new thought?

Like we’ve shared with our worksheets, trying on thoughts is like trying on clothes. Pay attention to how they make you feel. You’re unique in every way so don’t be afraid to “tailor” new thoughts. What can you adjust, add, or subtract to make it fit just right? Add the words, “maybe”, “sometime”, “I hope […]