QUESTION: I just got home from a LDS mission and I don’t know what is next in my life. There are so many options to consider. I feel like I have to make the perfect choice. I find myself procrastinating all action because I’m not sure about anything.
ANSWER: Big life decisions can feel daunting if we put the pressure on ourselves to not mess up. Break things up into smaller steps that are impossible not to do… call a friend whose path you think looks interesting to ask questions and learn more, look up deadlines or requirements for applications and write them in your calendar, print off a job application, etc. Remind yourself that you have made many great decisions in the past and will continue to as you stay on the covenant path. You know even more know about what the Spirit feels like since serving as a missionary, so trust He will confirm your path, but you might have to take a few steps in the dark before it’s lit. You can call upon the spiritual gift of discernment to aid your process.
Remember this does not have to be a permanent decision. There is always room for change when Jesus Christ is with you. Find that trust and confidence in Him guiding your way. You will think clearer and be able to sort your own desires better when you’re open-minded and receptive to the Holy Ghost. God works with our desires as he wants us to find joy in all circumstances! You are capable of making your next steps and creating a life of purpose and meaning as you stay close to Him and act in trust. The Lord is grateful for your service and will continue to guide you as you focus on what is within your control and keep moving forward!