QUESTION: The art teacher at my kid’s school is not doing a good job. She has a short tempter, continually complains to the kids about how misbehaved they are, and they don’t finish their art projects before they move on to others. I wonder if administration is aware. Last week, I volunteered to be an aide in her classroom but she was sick and never even acknowledged that she forgot to tell me and wasted my time by letting me show up and get turned away. I’m signed up again to help this week and I find myself with so much judgement for how she handles things.
ANSWER: You have a lot an evidence for your thoughts and opinions about how an art teacher should function. Ask yourself how you want to show up when you enter her classroom. Your energy will introduce yourself before you have the chance too. Is curiosity available to you? What might be going on in her life that might be causing her to be on edge? If you are open minded, you might find you’re able to connect with her on a deeper level. I have found people start to take down their walls when they are appreciated or complimented. Be on the lookout for an opportunity to make a compassionate or sincere comment. What divine qualities can you see in her? Ask questions and find out what it’s like to be her. Share your own experience or what you’re learning about life. Most people just need to be seen. At the very least, having some sympathy for her life, will soften your own judgment of her and give you some clarity about if you feel it’s necessary to discuss with administration from a place of love instead of fear.