“Wait! You’re telling me that it’s not my responsibility to make my husband happy? Isn’t that what spouses are supposed to do? Help each other?” That was how my first life coaching session went back in 2019. I wanted to change my husband’s frustration about long lines at Disney World. My coach, Melanie, patiently tried to help me see that we each get to be in charge of our own emotions. And she shifted my focus to what was going on inside of me, instead of “fixing” my husband. MIND BLOWING!!

To Melanie’s amazement, I came back for another coaching session. Little by little my mind and heart began to open. I learned that judging and being unkind to myself was also the way I saw others. And instead of it “making” me productive, it was halting my progress. This work (and it’s definitely WORK) not only changed me, but also the way I saw myself, others, and life’s experiences. It blessed and continues to bless my husband and our four sons. I am now better at distinguishing the difference between facts and drama, and I can coach myself and my family from a place of love instead of chaos.

Pursuing and teaching personal development has been a passion throughout my life. I earned a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education from Brigham Young University- Idaho and taught 5 th grade, early morning seminary, and currently teach Jazzercise in League City, Texas.

A few of my main influencers on thought-work include Helen Urwin, Jim Dethmer, and Dr. Wayne Scott Andersen. In 2021, I completed Bayleon’s Transformational Leadership Development Program taught by Helen Urwin, which helped me see that we must lead ourselves before we can lead others. The 15 Commitments of Conscious Leaders by Jim Dethmer, Diana Chapman, and Kaley Warner Klemp has been foundational in understanding the Drama Triangle and accepting personal responsibility. And Dr. A has helped me drastically improve my physical health as well as taught me how to Stop-Challenge-and-Choose, finding space between stimulus and response.

I love to laugh! It brings me so much joy. My husband and I host a podcast called Whistle While You Work where we do a lot of laughing. We also provide tips, tricks, and stories about Disney Parks. Walt Disney once said about EPCOT, “It will always be in a state of becoming.” I feel that way about life, too. And I’m excited to help others discover this truth.

I first began coaching in 2018—specifically by helping others with their health goals. I am excited to level up as a coach with Purpose in this Place by adding a HUGE part of me into coaching—spirituality. Let’s work together to uncover your divinity. I’ll lift you and you lift me, and we’ll both ascend together!

Kayla Macchi

The No-Drama-Mama Coach